Friday, November 7, 2008

My Husband Rocks Friday!!!

Well, This is my first post for MHRF. Nic is just wonderful so since this is my first post I will tell you a littl about my hubby. Nic and I met at Farway almost 5 years ago. I was 20 and nic was 17...I was very unsure about being friends with him since he was younger then me but something (God) told me that i should give him a chance because you can never have to many friends. So we started talking traded email addresses and phone numbers. From there the rest just happend. We have been together since March of 04...He never stops amazing me. He does so many things for me and our small family (nic, remi our dog ,and i.)

About a year ago he quit his job at a local communications company to get a better paying job with better benifits for us...great right?!? The downfall= second shift...but he knew this had to be done so he did it...that is just one thing that he did for us. do we like it not really but we manage and we cherish our time together more...

1 comment:

katylinvw said...

what a sweetheart! is he enjoying the new job? austin is working for American Cleaning Svc. now :) welcome to MHR Fridays :)