Wednesday, July 6, 2011

19months old...

Wow has it really been since march that i updated...opps....well here is what B has been up to!

he LOVES his gramps, thomas the train, trucks, cars, tractors, being outside, and swimming.

he HATES: cheese, bread and sleep.

he says: mommy/jenni; daddy/nic; nonnie, gramps/jim/jimmy; thomas; truck; waler(water); snack; eat; bye-bye; more; all done; love you; sorry; poop; pee-ewwww; eyes; ears; nose; hair; theeth; belly; pee-pee; all the daycare kids names....

sings: very useful engine; A B C's and the clean up song

identifies: eyes, ears, nose, hair, belly, theeth, pee pee, the letter B and the number 2

he currently wears size 18 month everything shorts, pants, shirts, jammies...weighs around 30 pounds and is around 35 inches tall....

this weekend we are going to see our friends in minnesota and we plan to visit the zoo and B is super excited!