Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh wow...

Ok perhaps I have neglected blogging...Opps...As we speak Barrett is bossing the daycare kids to sleep...Not like he should be napping or anything himself. He naps for like an hour or an hour and a half and that is all. But he does sleep like 13 hours at night, now if all those 13hrs were in his own bed...

He is talking all the time and has quite the long list of words...His newest are Ash, Aubree, Grady, and Apple! he also signs All Done, More, eat, and banana!

I can't believe he is 14 months already. This weekend we are going to Wasserbann and indoor waterpark with our cousins and my parents! I can't wait to see what barrett thinks of this! He loves the water so this should be fun! We are also going to do some spring/summer clothes shopping for Barrett!!!!

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