Friday, October 31, 2008


I remember when I was little...Tick-or-treating was soooo exciting and there were lights on all over the place, kids all over the place, laughing, scaring, talking. Leaves crunching, sometimes snow blowing, rain dropping...This year 2008 trick-or-treating was beautiful. No coats, no extra layers. Just kids in their costumes...What my problem is, is the lack of lights on in my neighborhood...Yeah, there were 2 lights on in my neighborhood last night :(...What the heck has happend??? Why aren't people handing out candy anymore? Why can't thing be like they were when I was little??? Some of my fondest memories are of my cousins and I trick-or-treating together.

Also, can we go back to when running for president didn't mean political ads for 2 years???? I can't wait for Tuesday night...I just hope whoever wins make good choices!

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