Friday, May 8, 2009

An Update!

Well, It has been some time since the last time I posted...Here is a little update...I had my very first appointment...Nothing too exciting...just the normal first ob check...On the 19th we are going to an unltasound. Since we miscarried in January the doctor wants to make sure things are developing well with this little bug! We will hear the heartbeat in June!!! I have been super tired and nauseous all day long... But i am really fine with it all it means that the baby is doing what it is supposed to.

My mom and hubby think there are twins in there...I really don't care what is in there as long as it is healthy!!! My due date has been set at December 11th!

I am totally loving the spring weather!!!

Happy Mothers day to all the mothers that read my blog!!

1 comment:

sarah said...

Thanks for the update! I have been wondering how you have been doing. Love ya Sarah H