As you can probably see by the layout I am ready for summer...For lots of reasons one of them being I am SICK of the cold weather...But most importantly at the beginning for August our family will be growing by 2 feet!!! Yes that is correct Nic and I will be having a baby this summer!!!! As of now my due date is the Aug. 1st...Nic wants me to go 16 days his bday is the 17th...My like a sister madie wants me to go 11 days early on July 20th which is her bday...We will see what this little bambino as we are calling him or her right now decides to do!!!!
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas...We wish you a safe, healthy and Happy New Year!!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
We survived the ice storm!!! Nic and I got up and chipped away ice on the drive way this morning...about an inch...The schools are closed today so my daycare kids are sparce...I have one acutal daycare kids and then my friends 2 kids are here because their daycare center and school are closed...
I hope everyone stays warm...
have very Merry Christmas!!!
I hope everyone stays warm...
have very Merry Christmas!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
My Husband Rocks~Christmas
hmmmmmm our first Christmas dating wasnt very exciting....Our engaged Christmas my Aunt gave us a puppy...picture below

Last Christmas was our First Married Christmas nothing to spectacular but here are a few pictures: cutting our tree; our card picture from last year, and Christmas Eve last year!

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy/Healthy New Year!!

Last Christmas was our First Married Christmas nothing to spectacular but here are a few pictures: cutting our tree; our card picture from last year, and Christmas Eve last year!

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy/Healthy New Year!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
My Husband Rocks~How we met!
Well here is the story of boy (Nic) meets girl (Jenni.) It was January my Junior year of College. I had moved home from Central because of some family issues and roommate issues. Part of the deal of moving home was having to get a job. So the hunt began right after Christmas of 2003. I was hired in January at Fareway little did I know at the time that this job would change my life forever. I had worked with nic a few times i am sure but didn't really notice him until late February 04. I told him his name was spelled wrong on his name tag, which he repplied it was not....From that Friday night on I noticed he was coming in an awful lot while i was working and he was off. He would just show up to "check the schedual." Did I mention yet that Nic was only a Junior in High School?? If not Nic was only a Junior in High School...I liked him, thought he was nice, funny, and interesting, but totally thought he was WAY to young for me...Any way one Saturday night I got off at 7pm he had to close he asked me if I had an email address...i did so we traded email addresses...Later that night i was still up and working on a project wne all of a suddend someone added me to MSN...It was Nic...I think we talked until 2 or 3 in the morning...Against my better judgment we started dating on March 17th 2004. We spent lots of time together and finally on Aug. 8th 2005 we got engaged and were Married on April 14th, 2007!!! It is funny how God works...He totally had a plan and I was totally gonna go against it...good thing I didn't!!!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What in the world?!?!?! I am totally not ready for all of this snow....and I am really not ready for GRUMPY RESTLESS children...Oh to live in a warm climate.....
Well, Happy day of LOTS of snow! Enjoy...I know i will enjoy sitting INSIDE and watching it. I do enjoy the snow...just not the slick roads...or cold...
Well, Happy day of LOTS of snow! Enjoy...I know i will enjoy sitting INSIDE and watching it. I do enjoy the snow...just not the slick roads...or cold...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Please Pray...

It is with great sadness that I wirte this...Today my parents have to put our dog to sleep...Marta was one of the best dogs I love her very much and never really remember losing my other two dogs...but this really stinks and hurts really bad...I know that she is only a dog but darn it she was my family for the last 13 years and I love her...Please pray for our strength as we go through the tough time without her here as we adjust to our lives without her. I know Nic and my dog Remington will have a hard time understanding where she has gone...
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
My Husband Rocks-Just because!
Nic has been on shut down this week and has been helping me with my daycare kids! He has helped with lunch, diapers, cleaning, playing and most important tickling... tickle monster is one of our favorites here...Seeing him play with the kids and them loving him it is great...and it gives me a little break! Thanks Nic for being a rockin hubby! I love you babe!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Well, As I type I am back at working watching kiddos....It didn't start so well...screaming and yelling...not wanting to be with me...That is what happens when you take vacation and all of the parents stay home with their kids...Now all is well...They missed me!!! They have all grown a foot and changed sooooo much...I really do love my job....
Have a great day...Sounds like the last nice day for awhile!!!
Have a great day...Sounds like the last nice day for awhile!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
My Husband Rocks Friday!!!
Well, This is my first post for MHRF. Nic is just wonderful so since this is my first post I will tell you a littl about my hubby. Nic and I met at Farway almost 5 years ago. I was 20 and nic was 17...I was very unsure about being friends with him since he was younger then me but something (God) told me that i should give him a chance because you can never have to many friends. So we started talking traded email addresses and phone numbers. From there the rest just happend. We have been together since March of 04...He never stops amazing me. He does so many things for me and our small family (nic, remi our dog ,and i.)
About a year ago he quit his job at a local communications company to get a better paying job with better benifits for us...great right?!? The downfall= second shift...but he knew this had to be done so he did it...that is just one thing that he did for us. do we like it not really but we manage and we cherish our time together more...
About a year ago he quit his job at a local communications company to get a better paying job with better benifits for us...great right?!? The downfall= second shift...but he knew this had to be done so he did it...that is just one thing that he did for us. do we like it not really but we manage and we cherish our time together more...
SPA!!!! and dad's birthday!
Tomorrow is Spa day...that is right I am going to the spa in Des Moines...I am sooooo excited for a pedi..and a massage!!!!!
Also tomorrow is my dad's brithday and he and nic are meeting us in Des MOines for supper...I can't wait....
I need some relaxation!!!!
Happy Friday!
Also tomorrow is my dad's brithday and he and nic are meeting us in Des MOines for supper...I can't wait....
I need some relaxation!!!!
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What in the world happend...God must know something i don't...May God be with the Obama family as they have a long road ahead of them that I am not sure they are ready for.
Lets hope he does right by our country and that our taxes don't rise too much...
Lets hope he does right by our country and that our taxes don't rise too much...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Rappy Ralloween!
I remember when I was little...Tick-or-treating was soooo exciting and there were lights on all over the place, kids all over the place, laughing, scaring, talking. Leaves crunching, sometimes snow blowing, rain dropping...This year 2008 trick-or-treating was beautiful. No coats, no extra layers. Just kids in their costumes...What my problem is, is the lack of lights on in my neighborhood...Yeah, there were 2 lights on in my neighborhood last night :(...What the heck has happend??? Why aren't people handing out candy anymore? Why can't thing be like they were when I was little??? Some of my fondest memories are of my cousins and I trick-or-treating together.
Also, can we go back to when running for president didn't mean political ads for 2 years???? I can't wait for Tuesday night...I just hope whoever wins make good choices!
Also, can we go back to when running for president didn't mean political ads for 2 years???? I can't wait for Tuesday night...I just hope whoever wins make good choices!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Crummy Hump Day
Why on earth does it have to be COLD and RAINY on the same day??? I hate it. I am currently sitting here on the couch with grumpy daycare kids who just want to go outside...Do you think that is possible oh no not today...My yard was muddy yesterday and I am sure that after the rain all day long that it is a huge puddle...The kids are fighting and arguing already and winter isn't even here yet...AHHHHHHHHHH is this what it is going to be like all winter??? If so I am going need LOTS of margaritas!!!
We went to the pumpkin patch on Sunday with Nic's Dad and sister as well as Madeline. Once I get the pictures on the computer I will post some. Lots of fun we will totally go back once we have kids!!!!
We went to the pumpkin patch on Sunday with Nic's Dad and sister as well as Madeline. Once I get the pictures on the computer I will post some. Lots of fun we will totally go back once we have kids!!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
How well do I know my Hubby?
1.Sitting in front of the TV, what's on the screen? Football, Baseball, or ATV world
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? No salad
3. What's one food he doesn't like? Seafood
4. You go out to a bar. What does he order? Bud Light
5. Where did he go to high school? Oskaloosa Senior High School
6. What size shoe does he wear? like 12-13...just depends
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? Baseball stuff
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Turkey and Cheese that is all...
9. What would this person eat everyday if he could? Pizza
10. What is his favorite cereal? Cinnamon Life
11. What would he never wear? anything pink
12. What is his favorite sports team? well he like the bears, cubs, and iowa hawks
13. Who will he vote for? He says yosmity sam...but really John McCain
14. Who is his best friend? Besides me probably his dad or Max
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? buy shoes....
16. How many states has he lived in? 1
17.What is his heritage? Irish
18. You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind of cake? White cake vanilla frosting
19. Did he play sports in high school? None in high school...
20. What could he spend hours doing? Riding the 4wheeler
21. Does he belong to any men's organizations? Not that I know of...
How did i do nic??? do i know you well???
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? No salad
3. What's one food he doesn't like? Seafood
4. You go out to a bar. What does he order? Bud Light
5. Where did he go to high school? Oskaloosa Senior High School
6. What size shoe does he wear? like 12-13...just depends
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? Baseball stuff
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Turkey and Cheese that is all...
9. What would this person eat everyday if he could? Pizza
10. What is his favorite cereal? Cinnamon Life
11. What would he never wear? anything pink
12. What is his favorite sports team? well he like the bears, cubs, and iowa hawks
13. Who will he vote for? He says yosmity sam...but really John McCain
14. Who is his best friend? Besides me probably his dad or Max
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? buy shoes....
16. How many states has he lived in? 1
17.What is his heritage? Irish
18. You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind of cake? White cake vanilla frosting
19. Did he play sports in high school? None in high school...
20. What could he spend hours doing? Riding the 4wheeler
21. Does he belong to any men's organizations? Not that I know of...
How did i do nic??? do i know you well???
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Well tomorrow is offically fall....I am not sure how to feel about this...I love fall don't get me wrong seems like we just had fall...As if we are living life in fast motion. I remember when i was little and time took it just keeps getting faster.
We are fastly approching a full year of 2nd shift life. Still not sure if I like it but am dealing with it. We totally cherish the time we have together more this way though.
I have found a new love for Miss Spiders sunnypatch cartoon and just found the halloween movie at target last night and can't wait for Monday to watch it with my daycare kids. I also got them a halloween cd that they will love...There is a song called Head, sholders, knees and is super cute. I can't wait to see their faces when we listen to it. That is what I LOVE about my job is watching these kids and how they act, smile, laugh, love, get mad, etc...the list is endless.
Well, Happy Fall Y'all!!!!
We are fastly approching a full year of 2nd shift life. Still not sure if I like it but am dealing with it. We totally cherish the time we have together more this way though.
I have found a new love for Miss Spiders sunnypatch cartoon and just found the halloween movie at target last night and can't wait for Monday to watch it with my daycare kids. I also got them a halloween cd that they will love...There is a song called Head, sholders, knees and is super cute. I can't wait to see their faces when we listen to it. That is what I LOVE about my job is watching these kids and how they act, smile, laugh, love, get mad, etc...the list is endless.
Well, Happy Fall Y'all!!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Concert at the state fair!

The Drunk guys at the concert...They sang and danced the whole time...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Another year older...

This would be Nic and I at Hot Shotz for my birthday... I am sooo excited since it is my birthday...Some people hate getting older...I love my birthday no matter how much older I am getting...I will ALWAYS get excited!!!
This is me and my good friend Jenny. We were just hanging out at the bar having a good time.

Happy Summer everyone!!!! Now if only the rain would quit for awhile...
Monday, April 14, 2008
That is right, today is Nic and I's 1st of many Wedding Anniversaries...We just spent the weekend in Iowa City and relaxed in a whirlpool suite room and did some shopping...We turly loved every minute that we got to spend together since we don't really get to spend much time with eachother due to work scheduals...We have decided that we want to do that more often...maybe not go anywhere but at least have just time for us one a month...It was waaaaayyyy over due...Here are a few pictures from our big day last year!!!

i will add a few from this weekend later this week...and maybe even some more wedding well as honeymoon pics....I am totally in shock that it has been a year already...Time sure does fly...It has been a rollercoaster of a year but I wouldn't change it for the world!

i will add a few from this weekend later this week...and maybe even some more wedding well as honeymoon pics....I am totally in shock that it has been a year already...Time sure does fly...It has been a rollercoaster of a year but I wouldn't change it for the world!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
April Showers....Bring May Flowres....
Well...As I lay here in bed on a Thursday full of cold rain, I am reminded that next month the flowers will be BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't wait. I as soooo ready for the sunshine.
A week from Monday will be a year of marraige for Nic and I. I can hardly believe a year is here already. Our year has been full of ups and downs...Trials and tryhumps...I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us....Maybe a new shift for Nic (we both hate 2nd shift.)
Now that we have been married for a year we keep getting asked that nagging question...Wanna guess what it is?????
WHEN ARE YOU TWO HAVING A BABY!?!? here is the answer....we hope to be preganate a year from now...We will start trying sometime in the fall...Maybe...things could change...that is the plan for now...We have alot going on between now and then...Plus we want some time to ourselves...some people think we are selfish because we say that...but we really don't see much of eachother and when we do get a chance to spend time together we want uninterupted time...Pllus we both agreed we should get fully used to the 2nd shift thing (which could take at least a year for me to get used to before we had a baby...
Any way...I better go to bed...Hopfully this weekend is as nice as they are planning it to be :)!
A week from Monday will be a year of marraige for Nic and I. I can hardly believe a year is here already. Our year has been full of ups and downs...Trials and tryhumps...I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us....Maybe a new shift for Nic (we both hate 2nd shift.)
Now that we have been married for a year we keep getting asked that nagging question...Wanna guess what it is?????
WHEN ARE YOU TWO HAVING A BABY!?!? here is the answer....we hope to be preganate a year from now...We will start trying sometime in the fall...Maybe...things could change...that is the plan for now...We have alot going on between now and then...Plus we want some time to ourselves...some people think we are selfish because we say that...but we really don't see much of eachother and when we do get a chance to spend time together we want uninterupted time...Pllus we both agreed we should get fully used to the 2nd shift thing (which could take at least a year for me to get used to before we had a baby...
Any way...I better go to bed...Hopfully this weekend is as nice as they are planning it to be :)!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
2nd Shift.....
I just wanted to say that I totally HATE second shift....I know that what is important is that Nic likes his job and he does but, I am totally sick of not seeing him except on the weekends....Ok..I just wanted to vent for a second...Who is totally excited for spring??? I was wearing my flip flops around the house this week instead of slippers in protest of the cold weather! Maybe it got my hint. I can't wait for March to be here!!!
Happy weekend!!!
Happy weekend!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
What gives?
I am seriously DONE with winter! I am sick of the snow, sick of the cold, sick of my kids having colds, sick of me having a cold, TOTLLY SICK OF WINTER.
I want to wear flip flops, I want to feel the warm sun on my face, My kids need to get out side...
God, if you aren't too busy right now could you and mother nature get together and talk about how nuts it is here in Iowa? Maybe the two of you could get me some warm weather...
I will thank you in advance...
Who else is sick of winter raise your hand!
Have a great snow day!
I want to wear flip flops, I want to feel the warm sun on my face, My kids need to get out side...
God, if you aren't too busy right now could you and mother nature get together and talk about how nuts it is here in Iowa? Maybe the two of you could get me some warm weather...
I will thank you in advance...
Who else is sick of winter raise your hand!
Have a great snow day!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Sick and Tired of SNOW and COLD

This is a picture looking into the Carriben Sea from a cliff at the Tulum Ruins....
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