Well, here we sit this morning entering our 37th week of pregnancy! So pretty much anytime now we could be embarking on this new chapter of our lives...Hard to imagin what our lives will be like with a little one here all the time...
During these last 37 weeks i have tried hard not to complain much, but there are times when i have and nic is always right there to try to make me feel better or do whatever task needs done that i am stuggling to do. He has helped more with daycare kids, cooked more, and not complained everytime he sits down and i ask for something...I am soooo lucky to have him even if we did fight this week and my nice hormones did ask him not so nicely to move out (the suddend mood changes really stink sometime!)
Nic, I love you and thank you for ALWAYS being there when i need you the most!!!