Well, Nic had his drug tests and physical yesterday for his new job...I think he is now getting really excited to move on. He will be with a better company with greater chance of advancement. We are both really excited to start a new adventure in our lives. This job will give Nic a bigger income and we will be able to rest more easy at night knowing that we have a little extra money and dont have to worry as much. After 90 days if nic is unhappy with this shift or this posission he is able to bid out to a different job or shift. After 120 days we will have health insurance... We have that now but we pay 460 dollars amonth....at clow they pay benifits for their employees so we will save 460 dollars amonth!!!! I can't wait for that...We are going to put that money in savings though...since we already have it in our budget...
This weekend we are going to be super busy with a wedding Nic's mom is getting remarried this weekend and we are booked until Sunday....Doesn't make for a very relaxing weekend. But there is always the next weekend...
Pray for Nic and I please as we transition into this new adventure...He will be on days for a week or two and then he will be working from 2:30-11pm Monday thru Friday... I will have my nights free to do what I want...
Have a happy Wednesday!!!!